All students involved with extracurricular activities are covered by this policy. Students who are ineligible may not participate in extra-curricular activities in any form beyond the class period. Coaches, sponsors, and advisors are responsible to ensure non-participation of ineligible students. A student who is ineligible is on probation and may not practice or participate with the team or organization.
Below are the requirements for Eligibility. Students are excluded from the following quarter if a student earns any one of the below criteria during an academic quarter in a school year. Students can be made ineligible immediately at the discretion of the administration due to discipline or attendance. Students are ineligible to participate if they have:
- One F or Two D's or more in one academic quarter
- 2 or more U's per quarter in Citizenship
- A Suspension, or receiving a behavior or attendance probation during a given quarter
For example, if a student receives two D's or an F during quarter 1 of an academic year, they will be ineligible for quarter 2, the next academic quarter
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS - School Functions & Activities
All students involved with school functions and activities are covered by this policy. Students who are ineligible may not participate in extra-curricular or after school activities in any form beyond the class period. Sponsors and advisors are responsible to ensure non-participation of ineligible students. A student who is ineligible is on probation and may not participate with the organization.
Below are the requirements for Eligibility. Students can be made ineligible immediately at the discretion of the administration due to discipline or attendance. Students are ineligible to participate if they have any of the following:
In order for students to participate in the End of the Year activities, they must meet the below requirements. Our goal is to support and ensure all students participate. 8th grade students are unable to participate if they have any of the following:
Three weeks prior to the activity, forms will be available for students that are ineligible (accumulation of 3 quarters of ineligibility). The school will communicate eligibility in advance to students and parents/guardians. Students will complete the appeal form by the designated date and turn into their counselor. The form consists of their current academic, citizenship grades and a short explanation about inclusion in the activity. Students will be given a time to meet before the activity appeals committee after turning in the form on time. If an appeal form is not turned in on time, the appeal will not be considered by the appeals committee. Status of their appeal will be communicated within 48 hours of the student appearance before the appeals committee. An accepted appeal can be rescinded if academic or behavioral infractions occur after the committee hearing. The committee will approve appeals based on academic and behavioral improvement. Special consideration and support will be given to students that have educational disabilities.
Homework Policy
Technology Policy
Cell Phones
All cell phones are to be off and out of sight during school hours.
8am to 2:20pm - Mon.
8am to 2:40pm - Tue. - Fri.
If it's an emergency and you need to reach your student you can call the school office at 626-441-5830. We will forward a message to your student to call you back, in the office.
School Computers
Students may use the computers at SPMS for school work and personal use, provided they adhere to the District Acceptable Use Policy that parents sign during the registration process. Students also sign a computer using policy that is kept on file in the library and is accessible on the library webpage. https://sites.google.com/a/spusd.net/south-pasadena-middle-school-library/
To use school computers, the user name is the student’s six-digit ID number, and the password is their birthday in six digits (with no dashes or slashes).
Students may save work to the school server, but we recommend they back up their work on a flash drive and/or via email attachment. There is a charge of $0.25 for a black and White single side and $.35 for black and white double sided per page.
Malicious use of computers will result in loss of privileges and further disciplinary action.
Our Library and Computer Station
The library and computer lab is on the second floor of the administration building. The library is open to students during brunch and lunch & when designated by librarian. During those times students are welcome to browse for a book, do homework, use a computer, play a board game, or otherwise rest and relax in the library. During class time students may come to the library with a pass from their teacher. Library hours are from 7:45 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Tuesday thru Friday. The library closes immediately after school on Mondays.
Electronics Rules
Cell phones, iPods, iPads, portable games, and other electronic devices that may cause class and campus disturbance are NOT to be used on campus at any time during school hours. If these items are found, they may be confiscated and returned to a parent/guardian. Electronic equipment should be left at home. We are NOT responsible for recovering lost or stolen electronic equipment.
NOTE: If you choose NOT to follow one or more of these rules, your school computer privileges may be revoked FOR THE REST OF THE SCHOOL YEAR