South Pasadena Middle School

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8th Graders

Upcoming 8th Grade Activities
8th Grade Electives
Incoming 8th Grade students will meet with their respective counselor starting in February to program their courses for the next school year. Please review the elective descriptions document below, which is important for students to read in order for them to know what is offered for their grade level. Please note each grade level could have different electives and/or different times of the year, so please make sure you are looking at the electives description. Please keep in mind that all electives are not guaranteed and are based on class availability, special programming, and if scheduling permits.

8th Grade Information and Events

Promotion Requirement Letters


Spirit Wear


Winter Formal Dance  


Parent & Student Meeting

Learn about SPHS and your transition to High School. SPHS High School Principal will email information.


High School Counselors

High School Counselors meet with 8th Graders to go over the High School classes, requirements and registration. 

Students will meet 1:1 with a HS counselors to quickly review their 4 year plan, and then set up their classes for Freshman year.


8th Grade Panoramic Picture

The 8th graders have a long tradition at SPMS to make the panoramic picture extra special by dressing fancy for the photo.  All students need to dress in accordance with the school dress code.  No T-shirts or jeans.

            8th grade boys:

            Please wear a collared shirt with tie and slacks, khakis, or dress pants.


            8th grade girls:

            Please wear a dress or a nice blouse/collared shirt with khakis, dress pants, or a skirt.


Meeting for High School Competitive Sports (forms below)


Promotion Speech Writing Contest

The Speech Writing Contest will be held in the library.  Students will have 45 minutes to write a rough draft of a speech. The top two rough drafts will be selected. The 8th grade English teachers will then work with those two students on revising and finalizing their speeches to present at Promotion ceremony.


Running for Freshman Class Officer for the High School


Informational Meeting & 8th Grade Freshman Officers Election Day  


Auditions to Perform at Promotion


Promotion Letter Details


Lip Sync Contest                    


8th Grade Presidential Awards 

- Eligibility criteria, please click here


8th Grade Faculty Awards 

- Nominated by 8th Grade Teachers

  • Kiwanis Award
  • South Pasadena Tiger Leader Award
  • School Spirit Award
  • Service Award
  • Heart of Gold
  • Athletic All Star
  • Rightmer Award
  • Cindy Rogers - Perseverance
  • Jeannie Martin
  • Faculty Appreciation


Promotion Ceremony

2024 SPMS Promotion Video


8th Grade Breakfast or Luncheon & Yearbook signing


8th Grade Activities

Meets regularly with the 8th grade advisor to work on the 8th Grade spirit wear, dances and activities, fundraisers, donations and more. 

Advisor:  Teresa Argueta & Emily Tom



In order for students to participate in the End of the Year activities, they must meet the below requirements. Our goal is to support and ensure all students participate. 8th grade students are unable to participate if they have any of the following: 

    • Earn TWO quarters or more of being ineligible during their 8th grade year under the “Student Extracurricular Eligibility” criteria. 
    • Quarter 4 Progress Grades, Citizenship and Discipline will be assessed ONE month prior to activity for eligibility. 
    • The Criteria is as follows:
  • One F or Two D’s or more in the academic quarter.
  • TWO or more U’s per quarter in Citizenship.
  • A suspension, or receiving a behavior probation or attendance probation during a given quarter.


Three weeks prior to the activity, forms will be available for students that are ineligible (accumulation of 3 quarters of ineligibility). The school will communicate eligibility in advance to students and parents/guardians. Students will complete the appeal form by the designated date and turn into their counselor. The form consists of their current academic, citizenship grades and a short explanation about inclusion in the activity. Students will be given a time to meet before the activity appeals committee after turning in the form on time. If an appeal form is not turned in on time, the appeal will not be considered by the appeals committee. Status of their appeal will be communicated within 48 hours of the student appearance before the appeals committee. An accepted appeal can be rescinded if academic or behavioral infractions occur after the committee hearing. The committee will approve appeals based on academic and behavioral improvement. Special consideration and support will be given to students that have educational disabilities.

For 8th Grade Activities Club please click HERE.
*8th Grade Spirit Wear