South Pasadena Middle School

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SPMS Databases 
Available to all SPMS Students and Staff
Ask your teacher or Library Technician, Ms. Baranets, how to log in.
Digital Audiobooks are now available at The Book Table! | The Book Table




The library is on the second floor of the administration building. The library is open to students during brunch and lunch & when designated by the librarian. During those times, students are welcome to browse for a book, do homework, use a computer, play a board game, or otherwise rest and relax in the library. During class time, students may come to the library with a pass from their teacher. Library hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 3:15 p.m., Monday through Friday. 



Library books circulate for three weeks and may be renewed unless another student submits a request. Students must pay the replacement cost of lost/damaged library books/textbooks.


The district subscribes to several databases accessible from this library webpage. These databases are often used for school research projects. Students can access these databases by asking their English teacher or librarian.


Students are encouraged to get a library card from South Pasadena Public Library and use their print and online materials. We actively collaborate with SPPL so that the public librarians know about school projects and can help students find appropriate materials after school and on the weekends.



Students are responsible for taking good care of their school textbooks, which are checked out using a unique barcode number. Students are to write their name in the space provided on the inside front cover of their textbook so it can be easily identified. Textbooks checked out to students should stay at home until the end of the school year (unless the teacher instructs otherwise). Classrooms have class sets of textbooks for most classes. If a textbook is misplaced, students should check in the library to see if it has been returned. Students will pay the replacement cost of lost textbooks. A fine for damage to book covers, pages, barcodes, or spine will be charged. All library and textbook fines must be cleared before the end of the school year.