South Pasadena Middle School

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7th Graders

7th Grade Electives
Incoming 7th Grade students will meet with their respective counselor starting in February to program their courses for the next school year. Please review the elective descriptions document below, which is important for students to read in order for them to know what is offered for their grade level. Please note each grade level could have different electives and/or different times of the year, so please make sure you are looking at the electives description. Please keep in mind that all electives are not guaranteed and are based on class availability, special programming, and if scheduling permits.

7th Grade Required Tdap

All students who will enter the 7th Grade will need proof of having received a Tdap (Tetanus Diphtheria acellular Pertussis) booster shot before starting school.  Please see the letter below for more information.


7th Grade PALI Science Trip:

Applications are discussed in Science Classes starting towards the end of 6th Grade and again in the beginning of 7th Grade.  Students who want to participate can get their forms from their Science Teachers.  Trips is taken in November (Fri. - Sun.)