New Student Registration Process
Before starting the registration process, please make sure you have a valid address within the boundary of the South Pasadena Unified School District – zip code 91030 only.
One item from each of the following 6 areas must be presented at the time of your registration appointment. All documents must be originals and must include the name of the parent/guardian and the South Pasadena address.
Three (3) residency verification documents are required for enrollment. Must provide ONE from EACH category. PLEASE READ CAREFULLY.
Category A – Deed of Trust, mortgage payment receipt, rental/lease agreement listing all names of occupants and the name, address, phone number, and signature of landlord/management company. Also property tax bill or closing escrow papers.
Category B – A utility bill (example: So. California Edison, The Gas Company), Cable/Internet Provider Bill (example: Time Warner, Direct TV, AT&T) - dated within the past month.
Category C – additional (2nd) utility bill, current car registration, car insurance statement, health insurance statement, bank statement (or a signed letter on bank letterhead with your South Pasadena address), or current pay stub that shows the South Pasadena address.
In addition, the most recent report card and transcript are also required as well as any standardized test results such as CAASPP state test. If there are special circumstances (ESL, Special Education or health problems) please provide appropriate documentation, such as ELPAC results or current IEP or 504 plan.
Finally, complete the online application at Please do not use all capital or all lower-case letters. You must fill in all required information including immunization dates. Two printed copies of your completed AIR registration must be submitted at the time of your appointment with Ms. Soto. All new students MUST take a math placement test before they can be given a class schedule. There are only two dates (TBD) available for testing prior to the first day of school. Testing will be in the main office. Students must report no later than 8:45 am. The estimated time for the test is 2 hours. No further testing will take place until after school begins.
Once you have all of the above-listed documentation, please contact Ms. Soto by email at: [email protected] to request an appointment. Please leave a return phone number when requesting an appointment. Ms. Soto will be monitoring emails during her time off and scheduling appointments prior to returning in August. Please Email her your appointment request as soon as you have completed all of the above steps.
PLEASE NOTE: Ms. Soto, registrar, will not return to school until August 1, she will not take appointments over the summer. Note: Ms. Soto will monitor email over the summer but she will not have access to any phone messages until August 1. Please follow all the above directions prior to emailing him should you need to register your student for the school year. Thank you!!!