South Pasadena Middle School

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Counselors & Peer Mediators


If you are having difficulties in school, with your friends or family, speak with your school counselor.  The counselors help by offering you a safe and confidential environment in which to talk to someone, and can help you:

  • Work out personal issues.
  • Get used to the middle school.
  • Set and achieve goals.
  • If you or someone you know are being bullied.
  • Understand yourself better so you make good choices.
  • Find ways to improve your grades and attitude.
  • Mediate conflict.
  • Think about your future (school and career).



What is an Upstander?

An Upstander is someone who stands up for what is right, even if they are standing alone. Upstanders believe in helping others and being inclusive and welcoming to everyone.


What does an Upstander do?

Upstanders have two main jobs on campus.

  1. They help solve conflicts between peers, they are the peer mediation group on campus.
  2. They work to improve the overall culture on campus.


How do you get help from an Upstander?

Students who have a conflict with a peer are encouraged to self-refer to a peer mediation. All they need to do is fill out an Upstanders Peer Mediation Request form in the office.