South Pasadena Middle School

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Parents and Families

Weekly School Announcements

Weekly Announcements:

  • Students hear the daily morning announcements on the overhead speakers in their first class of the day on Tuesdays and Wednesdays.
  • A digital version is shared via ParentSquare and within students' Google Classroom Community Connections.
  • The bulletin is uploaded onto our website on a daily basis.


Weekly Newsletter:

The Principal emails out a weekly newsletter to all families who have opted-in for our emails.  It lists the entire weeks schedule of events and any special announcements.  

Information on every student is kept on file in the Attendance Office to be used by school personnel to locate parents in case of an emergency.  For your child’s safety, you are required to notify the school of any change of address, changes to home, work and cell telephone numbers.  
If you move to another school enrollment area and wish to have your child continue at this school for the remainder of the term, he/she may be eligible to do so.  Please check in with the Registrar in the office to obtain detailed District regulations regarding intra- and inter-district permit requirements.
If it is discovered that you have failed to report a change of address to another school attendance area, your child will not be eligible for a permit to continue at this school.


Area 1) We have a clothing rack just outside the office for lost coats, sweaters, and lost lunch bags.  

Area 2)  We also have a lost and found and drop off area, in the office on the double black racks.  

              a) This rack will have smaller lost items like water bottles, notebooks, etc.

              b) This area is also for items that are dropped off for students such as instruments,

                   lunches, homework, etc.

Area 3) We have a locked area for electronic items, keys, jewelry, etc.

Area 4) Please note the PE teachers also have a lost and found area for items left in the GYM or Fields.

PLEASE NOTE:  All Lost & Found items are donated on a quarterly basis or before a long holiday.  Sometimes they are donated earlier if the racks are over flowing.  

Students will be notified for an entire week prior to donation via morning announcements and signs around school.


Student Supplies

PE Uniform


Spirit Wear

Stay up to date on current events

Our school has a new system of keeping parents and students up to date on all activities, clubs and programs happening at SPMS.


* Via text:  sign up by texting  @spms16-17 to 81010

* To get push notifications, open your web browser and go to the following link:

   Follow instructions to signup for REMIND.  You'll be prompted to download the app.